Happy new year! We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and managed to get some rest in amongst the madness of your festivities. We have so much going on...
Newsletter March 2023
How is it March already?! We have had an extremely busy first quarter of the year with so much to report… Exam Success We’ve just received our exam results from...
Move It Shake It – Regionals 2023
On Sunday 15th January, our four Stage Class teams competed at the ‘Move It Shake It’ competition in Coventry. ‘Move It Shake It’ hosts regional heats across the UK, providing...
Show Letter 2023
The show is a wonderful opportunity for our Fiery Feeters to showcase their skill, as well as build confidence and make new friends. There will be lots of hard work...
Examination Prices 2024
Silver Rose Award £25.00 Gold Rose Award £26.00 Tap Class Award £16.00 Preparatory £36.00 Primary £39.00 Introduction to Grade 1 £40.00 Grade 1 £42.00 Grade 2 £43.00 Grade 3 £44.00...